Network Solutions Location Photo KEK 5-13-20

About Us

MacLean Network Solutions, or MNS, offers a comprehensive line of Outside Plant Hardware for all your pole to pole, pole to house, and grounding & bonding needs. We serve the Communications market, which includes Telephone, Broadband, Satellite, Electrical Coop, and Wireless, and support the Electronics industry with a full line of electromechanical components. Our domestic manufacturing footprint allows us to provide the highest level of service, and we proudly back up our products with application training and support, which MNS uniquely provides to the market. 

"What's different about MPS from other companies is that they encourage personal growth and they want you to succeed. They ask you where you want to go and put you on a path to help you achieve your goals."


OT Champion
Employee since 2016

"I love every aspect of my job. I like that I get to use my creativity in fabrication and design. I am a problem solver. I love that I can contribute to improve things."


Maintenance tech
Employee since 2012

"Before I started with MPS I was a single mom with 2 jobs. I originally took a job in customer service because I saw the potential for growth within the company. I am now an OT professional and Product Manager for our Crossarm products. With the help of the tuition reimbursement, MPS has afforded me with the opportunity to get my Bachelors (2016). I am now working on my MBA. This company helped to push me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to accomplish things that I never thought I would be able to accomplish."


Continuous Improvement Manager
Employee since 2013

About Us PAGE

Who we are

MacLean Network Solutions is a division of MacLean-Fogg Company. Founded in 1925, MacLean-Fogg offered the Number 1 lock nut to North America's railroads. Through innovative product development and selected acquisitions, the business has grown into a worldwide enterprise with facilities throughout North America, Europe and Asia with sales exceeding $1 billion annually.

To learn more about MacLean-Fogg visit our website:

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